Confessions of a maxed-out mama!

What you can do to make those early weeks and months easier on yourself as a new mum?

When I was pregnant with my first child, I envisioned my baby sleeping twelve hours a night, breastfeeding like a champ, and slotting easily into a life of part-time study and brunch dates with the girls. I know, ridiculous right? But I’d never heard otherwise. I became a mum before most of my friends and, according to my own mum, I’d been the most easy-going babe on the block.

But my reality was the marked opposite of my mum’s experience and the fairy stories I’d told myself. My son screamed bloody murder after every feed, due to dairy intolerance, wind and a gnarly case of not-so-silent reflux. Rarely did he leave my arms.

Even short trips in the car were riddled with anxiety and tears (mine and his!). I adored the endless cuddles, but I was maxed out, physically and mentally. Bub’s colicky cries had me in a constant state of fear – nervous and panicked that a barking dog or door knocker would wake the light-sleeping angel I’d just spent two hours rocking to get to that state.

I was afraid to shower, were he to wake crying and I wouldn’t be there. I was afraid to leave the house with him, lest I feel judgemental stares burn into my soul, should I be unable to settle my screaming baby.

I became incredibly isolated. Friends stopped calling because I wouldn’t venture out of my hermit cave to spend time with them. Family miffed I wasn’t all smiles when they rocked up to suit themselves and cut into the precious little time that my touched out, exhausted and anxious self wasn’t rocking a crying babe and agonising over what might be wrong.

Throw in a case of mastitis, oral thrush in bub, breastfeeding challenges and recovery from birth-related health complications and I honestly don’t know how I made it out of those harrowing early months.

Yes, friends, motherhood can be a mothereffer.

Despite the immeasurable joy, unshakeable love, and heart-swelling pride – all the many wonderful things you hear about motherhood that make it such a worthy and rewarding endeavour – I have been at my tipping point more times than I care to recall.

And while the sleepless nights and relentless cries have long been replaced by school runs and sibling squabbles, adrenal fatigue and social anxiousness persist – tattooed on my DNA from a time that I lived in constant fight or flight mode, subsisted on toast, and shut myself off from the world.


Motherhood is a mammoth task and it’s not uncommon for new mums to have trouble finding their feet. Around 1 in 7 Aussie mums experience postnatal depression, and postnatal anxiety is just as common, with some mums experiencing both.


The chances of developing postnatal depression and anxiety are heightened by a history of anxiety/depression, a family history or mental illness, a difficult or complex pregnancy, a premature or unwell baby, birth trauma, sleep deprivation, feeding/settling issues, pre-existing physical illness, ongoing stress, and limited support.

While it’s certainly not the case that every new mum will struggle, early motherhood is a period of momentous physical and lifestyle change, and a steep learning curve. It pays to arm yourself with a support system, well in advance of your babe’s birth.


It was through a wonderful lactation consultant, copious research and finding my village in a small Facebook group of likeminded, knowledgeable mums that I was able to get the better of our feeding and digestion issues, sonny and I started sleeping better and I was able to conquer my postnatal funk, enough so that I was ready for round two once my son turned one.


There are so many wonderful supports popping up, which recognise that modern mums need their village now, more than ever. Villagehood, in Adelaide’s west, provides fun fitness, art and cooking classes for mums in a relaxed, non-judgmental setting, with an onsite creche for children aged six months and over. The Golden Month provides a mix of in-home acupuncture and massage, nutrient-dense home delivered meals and make-at-home meal bases and lactation treats. And private midwives, lactation consultants and postnatal doulas are becoming more widely available, who can visit you in your home to help care for you and baby and answer the million and one questions that every new mother has.


Community is everything

For more than ten thousand years, we humans lived in a tight-knit village setting. A sisterhood of female relatives and friends rallied around the new mother, providing care, nourishing meals, and some respite from the demands of early motherhood. But in modern times, our sisterhood has disbanded.


It’s not that we don’t have women in our lives who care about us, it’s that they most often don’t live in the same suburb, our mothers are working until later in life, thanks to a skyrocketing cost of living, and our sisters and friends are doing the work/motherhood juggle and contending with limited support themselves.


Human connection is soul medicine. If you don’t have a circle of support nearby, get connecting. I can’t express enough how important it is to link up with mums of young children, particularly those who share your values and parenting style. They will be a wealth of support and knowledge as you navigate raising a teeny human.


Early on in your pregnancy, look up mothers’ groups in your area, join Facebook parenting groups and begin putting together your pre- and postnatal support team, which might include a midwife, doula, board-certified lactation consultant, naturopath, massage or physical therapist, acupuncturist and even a darn good meal delivery service and cleaner. Ask for vouchers for these services in lieu of too many onesies and ALL the useless baby paraphernalia, like automated nappy disposal, glowing owls, and room thermometers.


Hypnotise yourself Zen

You’ve likely heard of Hypnobirthing Australia ™️, a method of achieving self-hypnosis and deep relaxation to reduce fear and pain and promote calm during labour, but HypnoMothering ™️ is a lesser-known technique which helps mums to retain a sense of peace and balance during parenting’s more trying moments.

Persistent crying, frequent night waking and a babe who just won’t sleep can all push you to your limits. It can be difficult to keep calm in these situations and the more stressed you get, the more taxing these situations feel. In just a couple of hours, a HypnoMothering ™️ provider will equip you with practical tips for fast relaxation, tapping into positive emotions and achieving deep, restful sleep, even when you’re catching an hour or two at a time. It might sound a little woo, but hypnosis is simply a safe, natural state of selective, focused attention and a handy instrument in your parenting toolkit.

Postnatal care is *just* as important as prenatal care

As expectant mothers, we’re carefully tended to by our healthcare providers for nine months; complete strangers show interest in our wellbeing. We take care to eat all the right things and take our vitamins, and then bub arrives. Suddenly, we’re adrift in a sea of nappies and spit-up, often more physically depleted than ever before and essentially left to fend for ourselves with the most important gig we’ll ever have. We feel “lucky” if our partners can afford to take their government-allotted two weeks leave at minimum wage or have some annual leave saved up to support us in our new role but, even so, the responsibility of caring for this brand-new human falls largely with mum.

Maternal depletion is no joke. Described as physical and mental deterioration caused by birth and breastfeeding, as well as the trials and stresses of motherhood, maternal depletion is characterised by extreme fatigue, hyper vigilance and constant overwhelm. I realised just how much I’d been neglecting my health when my breastmilk dried up, 18 months into feeding my second child, and my period took an additional six months to return. A blood test revealed that I was despicably low in many major nutrients that are vital to immune function and energy.

Unchecked depletion can snowball into ongoing health issues. As mums, we tend to bury ourselves in our role and deprioritise our own needs, postponing health appointments and exercise, and spending our often heavily reduced income on our little ones instead of things that we desperately need.

Commit to making yourself a priority. If you need any excuse other than you’re freakin’ worth it, your family will be happier and everything is easier when you, mama, are happy and healthy. When you’re rundown and stressed, the smallest stressors feel unbearably taxing. Invest in yourself and your motherhood journey will be *so* much smoother.                      

                        To book postnatal packages in Adelaide with us - Book Here                                      

How to survive your first weeks with a newborn!

The thought of taking a baby home for the first time is terrifying for most parents. I mean lets be realistic the idea that YOU are responsible for all everything that child needs to survive is so daunting. But rest assured with a few simple tips you will be a confident and capable parent before you know it!

  1. A mothers intuition beats a text book, Facebook and GOOGLE. You might be new to parenting, but trust those mothering instincts and let your instincts and baby guide you. New parents are much more relaxed when they do not compare their baby to what the books say. Baby’s are so individual and will vary hugely in what is still considered normal variations.

  2. There will be minimal time to prepare gourmet meals in the first two weeks. Well lets be honest the first 2 months. Lots of preparation before baby arrives to make casseroles, soups, curries, pasta sauces that nourish you from within will be invaluable. Use the grandparent’s amazing cooking abilities and willingness to help you and stock your freezer up. Get take out (occasionally) and make things easy for you. I even have families I see use services such as Marley Spoon, Lite N Easy and others to take the guess work out of cooking and meal times. Friends and family can bring ready meals or snacks when they visit.

  3. You will forget how good sleep is! Expect chunks of 1-2 hours at a time (and yes this is NORMAL). It is hard to adjust to broken sleep, but nobody decides to have a baby to sleep a whole night through :) Maybe for the morning nap time, have quick shower (this should be your daily goal) and breakfast, then for other naps during the day - jump into bed too. The old adage to sleep when baby is sleeping is imperative and the only way to cope. Even simply being horizontal will rejuvenate you somewhat. Safe co-sleeping is a great way to get more shut eye and can mean you may have a more settled baby. Partners can change and settle baby after feeds, so mums can get a bit of extra sleep.

  4. Don’t forget your partner will be tired and adjusting to new parenthood also. They will need some time away and nourishment too. Be kind to each other, you are each other’s supports during this time. A sneaky kiss on the cheek, hug or praise can go a long way for your relationship.

  5. You will be a hormonal, sweaty mess. This too is normal and expected within the first 2 weeks. If you feel it is continuing beyond that time - then seek help sooner rather than later. There are some amazing perinatal mental health support workers in the community that can help. See your GP first. You will need lots tissues and chocolate.

  6. Breastfeeding sucks at times. You will feel like all you do all day and night is breastfeed, express, top up, burp……. repeat. Cracked and bleeding nipples are variations on normal - but seek help early if you cannot achieve a painless and damage free latch. IBCLC’s are highly skilled professionals who can provide up to date - evidence based guidance to help you succeed. There is help out there, you just need to search. Medicare rebates and private health funds often will cover some of the consultation fee too. Breastfeeding around the clock is necessary within the first 6-12 weeks to fully establish feeding. Do not miss a feed for your partner to give a bottle - this WILL negatively affect your supply. Hold off on the introduction of bottles and missing feeds for at least 6-12 weeks to avoid messing with nature. Partner’s can support mums in many other ways while breastfeeding. They aren’t missing out - there is plenty of time for bottles/feeds when baby is older.

  7. Yellow, runny, slippery, messy poonami’s are normal! Do not Google poo pictures as you will never eat pumpkins soup, peanut butter or Christmas pudding custard again! Breastfed baby poo’s do not smell, they have a sweet aroma to them. Formula makes poo’s firmer consistency and smelly. Babies often struggle with wind and passing bowel actions, but will get there eventually. They may need some help by rubbing their belly, warm baths, cycling legs and other poo relieving actions! Most breastfed babies will have regular bowel actions within the first few weeks - most nappies in fact especially if they are getting an adequate intake. As long as your baby is alert, feeding and putting on weight - all is ok. Obviously there are variations on yellow poo’s such as blood, green and smelly which can be something to be alerted to.

  8. Babies cry… sometimes a lot. It does not necessarily mean something is wrong - just that they cannot communicate in any other way. Hold, rock, pat, shoosh, feed, walk, bath, massage or sing to them to see if that helps. Often each day at some time (generally later in the day/evening) babies will cry for an extended period. This can be hard to deal with especially when tensions are already frayed. It is often referred to as the witching hours and can be emotionally draining. Hang in there it will pass.

  9. Accept help from your network - whatever that looks like. Many families are blessed with supportive families who live close by, others will rely on their friend and each other to get through this tough time. There are support groups in the community that can be a life saver for many isolated families such as the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Find your village and lean on them.

  10. If you have had a difficult birth or a c-section - keep up with regular pain relief and anti-inflammatories to help you recover. Ice pack to your vaginal stitches if you have them, will help reduce the swelling. Drink lots of water, eat lots of fibre rich foods and fruit and veges to eliminate any constipation.

  11. Finally, do not worry about the tidiness of your house! That can wait.

Please seek help if you feel you are not coping, have unanswered questions or need support. IBCLC’s are attuned to new parents and supporting you through this time. Enjoy this precious bundle - it goes so quickly and remember to laugh regularly. At each other, the baby and in general. Also remember why you chose to have a baby in the first place!

If you would like to book an in-home lactation consultation in Adelaide - Book here.