Magdalena's Birth Story

Before finding Hypnobirthing, I was in a ‘ignorance is bliss’ mindset. I had a lot of fear and anxiety surrounding labour and birth and to be honest, I was terrified.  I knew I needed to find a way to cope and release the fear and stress.

My husband and I attended Megan’s course after being recommended hypnobirthing by a friend, and we are so lucky we did. We found out around 24 weeks, just as we were attending the course, our baby was severely small for her gestation and I had an issue with my placentas blood flow to the baby. I was told I would need to have weekly scans to check our baby’s growth and that she would possibly be delivered early if she stopped growing. So, that really added to the anxiety and stress I was feeling! 


The tools we learned during the course changed my mindset to ‘knowledge is power’ and I was able to cope with this sudden unexpected news on top of my anxiety. I used the breathing techniques, visualizations, listened to the music tracks and put up my affirmations all over the house. I tried to practice my hypnobirthing techniques each day and by the time I was to be induced, I felt confident, powerful and ready for any turn my labour might take.

Our baby girl was a fighter and ended up making it to 38 weeks, though we knew she would be born very small. I was induced at 38 + 4 and within 3 hours of being given the drugs, my waters broke naturally. I went from 2cm to 8cm dilated in an hour and a half and the surges were so close together and extremely intense. During this time, I used the breathing techniques to get through each surge and I was repeating my affirmations to remind myself I could do this!! I also had the ‘Tranquil Chambers’ music track on repeat! When it was time to push, I felt so powerful and confident, I couldn’t believe I was about to meet our baby girl! Active labour was only 4 hours and using the breathing techniques and affirmations, I did not need to have any pain relief drugs. I tried to focus on breathing my baby down and imagining her making her way down the birth path and with 2 big pushes, she made her appearance into the world! 

My husband had also been empowered by Hypnobirthing to ask questions and speak up for my preferences and provide the best support to me during the labour. 

Our beautiful Magdalena was only 2.24kgs at birth and had to go to the special care unit for a week and once again, Hypnobirthing gave me the tools to cope with the stressful situation. 

I know that had we not found Hypnobirthing, I would not have been able to cope with the stress and fear of a complicated pregnancy and birth.

I would recommend Hypnobirthing to anyone who has fear or anxiety, lacks confidence and knowledge in the birthing process or just generally wants to be empowered to be in control of their own pregnancy and birth. Thank you, Megan, for helping me bring Magdalena into this world as stress free as possible! 

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